New Side Art Applied

Alright then! The Side art has now been applied to the cabinet, I have been debating now for awhile if I wanted to use the Dry or the Wet method of applying it and finally decided on the Dry method. I understand the wet method gives you a slight margin for correcting errors but I just cant seem to convince myself that putting water on adhesive wouldn't have any affects on the longevity of the vinyls life in terms of staying on. I'm not going to explain my method of doing so, instead I have posted a video made by Tighe Lory who is applying DK Jr. Side art, it's a lengthy video but covers start to finish and this is the exact method I used. (Also to mention one slight detail in the video the tool you see Tighe using to flatten the side art is known as a "Brayer" you can get them from most arts and craft stores, If you have any additional questions feel free to contact or Tighe)

I know on the "True" Dk machines the side art was just a tad bit lower but I really didn't care to be exact from the factory, How many cabs do you think are out there with the factory placements after Coin ops installed side art on conversions? So I measured 4 1/4 from the top and centered from there.
after applying the Side art I went ahead and added the other stickers for the coin insert and the instructional sticker below the bezel. The biggest tip I can give is to take your time! This is a bit of a slow process and the quicker you rush through it the more chances you have of the graphics being slanted or off center and the possibility of air bubbles. If you pull the backing of just a little at a time and use the a good amount of force on the Brayer you shouldn't have any air pockets. If you do happen to find some air pockets its best to deal with them before removing the top mask. This can easily be done by finding the smallest needle you have simply give a light poke in the center of the pocket and use your thump to massage the pocket out, sometimes it will move just a tad apply the same trick. If close enough to an edge try to move it out from under the vinyl. I only found two small air pockets after both sides were applied and successfuly removed both. I will however say I wasn't to entertained to have to poke 4 holes in $70 graphics for mounting bolts.


  1. I don't reply to questions from viewers? I try to. I'm sorry if I didn't.

    1. No worries, this was like 4 years ago man, I remembered trying to contact you through youtube, your blog and PM on KLOV, so I figured you just didn't reply or had too many to ever get through :)
