Primer Finished & 1st Coat of Paint on!

Alright, well at this point I am so sick of sanding the damn sides after every coat just to ensure that once completely flat no edges or other parts show formica and its completely white. I have finally made it to that point after 5 coats of primer. After almost an entire gallon of Kilz I am finally ready to apply the paint. I think the biggest problems in the beginning happened to be the Foam rollers I was using, they left so many dimples in the dry finish you ended up having to sand about all of it off till it was flat again explaining why my garage floor went from cement to snow. I went back to the store and picked up some new Woven Mohair rollers titled "Mirror Finish" in hopes I would be looking at myself after a coat but sadly I was let down. Actually it worked allot better though not completely smooth, the paint defiantly was spread more even and very little needed to be sanded to make it smooth again as it did not leave a lot of little pits.

The last coat of primer was put on 2 Days ago so it was already dry and ready for me to sand today and after a good 2 hours of sanding I spent the next hour cleaning it all up and applying blue tape to all the edges ensuring I didn't get the paint where I didn't want it to be. The first coat I applied very lightly with as little paint as possible on all sides ensuring there may be more coats involved but there will be less sanding! I was a little shocked at the beginning as I felt it was much darker but I think it drys a tad bit lighter as these pics were taken right after I finished. I compared the photos with a picture of the cabinet before it was ever sanded in similar light and it looks like the color is spot on! remember lighting always effects the shade of the cabinet as well.

So in the picture to the left I have given you a comparison of the cabinet after it had the bondo applied before ever sanding it, so that was the original color, put up against the new fresh coat of paint that will most likely lighten up when dry its pretty damn close. So I am not worried and very satisfied with the shade. I will give it a couple days to dry before lightly wet sanding with 400 grit and then applying the second coat. In the meantime I will be finishing the control panel. 

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