So I took the parts in to a local business to have powder coated, the following parts I had done were Coin Door & all the pieces, the Marquee holder, and the Bezel retainer. I did not bother having the piece that fits between the bezel & Marquee done as there did not appear to be any wear to that piece and it still looks great. As for the other pieces, they were pretty beat up. I did allot of looking around and I found everybody was in the $50-$65 range for the job, I decided to take the closest shop to me which happened to be the cheapest, they regularly only did a minimum of $80 but since the pieces were so small they did it for $50
I wasn't able to get a direct match to the brushed aluminum pieces, the closest they had was Silvadillo. It's obviously a bit darker but as you can see from the images it looks 300% better, if not
more than it did prior and I really didn't care if it was a dead on match, I mean really? Who is going to look at your machine and notice the aluminum mechs on the coin door and say "Hey somethings off there?" the chances of anyone noticing is probably about as good of odds as hitting powerball. The rest of the pieces I just had a "Gloss black" applied, I did not have the door textured and after I had left I began questioning my decision on this but once I got the parts back with as good as the door looks I like it just the way it is.
I was also a bit surprised when I got the pieces back to see the company was gracious enough without my instructions to go ahead and work out a couple slight bends in the metal. 1 of the bends was on the bottom corner of the coin door and the other was on the bezel retainer, I figured after the coin door was fastened and the bezel
was put in it wouldn't be noticeable anyways but as of now both parts were straightened. As of now I just need to put the coin door back together and install it on the cabinet with the other pieces and buy 2 new locks, once completed the cabinet will be finished (sorry so little photos of this If I can get the proper angle and lighting from my camera to actually "Show" how good they did on the black I will upload some more)
Update: So after working on putting the coin door back together I ran into a slight problem that I would really like to let others know before they make the same mistake. I found a problem getting the coin return latches to fit back in place since they had been powder coated I had to use a hammer to get the pieces on removing all the powder coating from the post of the latch. It's apparently just that snug of a fit, so for those of you who have the actual quarter turn latches and NOT The push button returns be sure you dont powder coat the post of that latch, If you need more description think of the two little black pieces you had to remove with an allen wrench, that post those pieces were fastening.
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