The Black Is know I'm singing that....

So alas! The Black is on the cabinet completing the paint job after 3 1/2 weeks its been real and not happening again anytime soon. Personally I'm more of a fan of laminate but we all know the issues between that and DK blue. I applied a latex paint over the kilz primer this time as I wanted faster drying times and I really didn't care of the quality so much on the sides as the original black paint was "Spray Paint" making it cheap and easy to fix if anything were to go wrong and less noticeable as the blue Sides and front.

I applied all the coats to the sides, top, base, and back door with a brush, I
figured it was pointless to buy a bunch of small rollers and try to get it, especially when rollers don't do tight edges all that well. Also for those out there that have tried to paint with a brush over paint that was applied with a roller to "Touch up" you will understand the two simply don't mix and there's no going back without sanding it out and reapplying a new coat. So knowing I wanted the paint to be consistent and look nice I just used a brush over all the surfaces. The first coat of black just barely went on showing so much white but made it easier by following the vertical lines left by the brushes to ensure that all the lines were straight and consistent.

The 2nd coat applied later that night pretty much covered it all up, though the downfall with brushes vs rollers it seems a lot harder to spot small lines of excess paint until it drys and looking straight at you I consistently went back over all surface dragging the excess paint to the edge then wiping it off with the brush and applying it somewhere else but i was left with a couple small spots of excess paint, luckily one is under the control panel on the side where unless you get down there you will never see and the other in on the bottom in the back. In the pic you see of the back cover it may look a little discolored, that is because that was the 3rd "Spot" coat where I enured all white from the primer had been completely covered. It has since dried and is solid black will post complete photos after I pull away all the prep masking.

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